Should You Keep A Comfortable Job?
Your job has stagnated; you’re no longer learning new skills or expanding your resume. Are you hurting yourself by staying?
According to Forbes’ Magazine’s Liz Ryan, the short answer is “Yes”. Continuing on in a position where you’re no longer growing can actually hurt you in the long run. Liz argues:
“The only thing you have to sell to employers and clients is your experience. Once you’ve learned how to do something, repeating the same tasks over and over neither enriches your resume nor grows your flame. As you stay in a job that you mastered years ago, your market value actually decreases.”
A few signs that further prove its time to move on from your role include a lack of career advancement opportunities, the inability to name your biggest professional accomplishment of the year, and not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, among others.
Ten Signs Your Job Is Going Nowhere | Forbes Magazine
Category: Healthcare Career and Employment Advice