Tag: Insurance Interview Tips

Interview Preparation; You Need to ‘Brand’ Yourself
What makes you unique and different than the next person. You better be able to commuicate this so you will stand out from the crowd. Almost every article – or career coach – will tell you that in order to do well in an interview – and to ultimately get the job offer, you must […]

Video – Job Interview Tips – Body Language, Eye Contact, Physical Presentation
It’s more than just answering questions correctly. You need to ask good questions and be aware of your mannerisms. Click Continue to see video.

Video – Do’s and Don’ts
Here is a great video on what “to do” and “what not to do” on an interview. Click continue to view the video.

Ten Tips for a Great Interview
Nail the interview with these ten great tips. There are 10 easy ways to help make your job interview go smoothly. Review these steps, practice and relax. After all, what is the worst thing that can happen? For many people the worst thing that can happen is “rejection” – not getting an offer. Try to […]

What Should You Do if They Don’t Call You Back After Job Interview?
Not getting a follow up call, as promised, happens more than you think. Candidates are sure that they are a shoe-in for the position, and expecting an offer, and then nothing. This is not only frustrating for the candidate, but reflects poorly on the company.

Thriving on Phone Interviews
Phone interviews are frequently used by companies to save time by pre-qualifying your interest and expertise. The following are some recommendations to ensure your next phone interview is successful for you.

Picking the Right Words to Use During an Interview Can Make All the Difference
How should I say something? What wording should I use. Here are some tips. The words you use to express yourself say more about you than you think. In fact, your vocabulary and the use of appropriate words say more about you than the message you are trying communicate. You are judged by the words […]
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