This Week in Career Advice: Workplace Wedding Etiquette

It’s wedding season and Ask A Manager’s Alison Green has all (and we mean all) of your workplace wedding-related questions answered! Over at The Cut, Alison answers the wedding questions she gets every year, including whether you‘re obligated to attend your coworker’s wedding, whether you’re expected to invite coworkers to your wedding, and how much time off is reasonable to request for weddings/honeymoons.

Less traditionally, however, Alison is asked about a reader’s friend who intends on adding her Maid of Honor title to her resume. The reader writes: “So, here’s the embarrassing part: She wants to list Maid of Honor on her résumé. She’s looking for admin and executive-assistant-type jobs and thinks the MOH-ing is a relevant qualification.”

It’s true, being a Maid of Honor can often feel like a real-world job, and even feel as though you’re a substitute for a professional event planner. You schedule, plan, book and coordinate – all skills you’d want to put on a resume. Alison’s advice, however, don’t! She writes:

“The guiding rule with résumés is that work you do as part of your personal life doesn’t go on your résumé. Part of that is just convention, but part of it is that with things you do for your friends or family, you’re not accountable in the same way you would be at work.

Even if your friend is basically substituting for a professional event planner, including it on her résumé is going to look out of touch and naïve. At best, hiring managers will roll their eyes. But more than a few will find it weird enough to reject her over.”

Read the entire article here.


Ask a Boss: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Weddings and Work | The Cut



Category: Healthcare Career and Employment Advice

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