Category: Healthcare Interview Preparation Tips

This Week in Career Advice: “Tell Me Why You’re Leaving Your Current Job”
For such a commonly asked interview question, answering why you’re leaving your current role can be one of the most difficult and uncomfortable questions to address.

How To Describe Yourself in One Word
Asking job candidates to describe themselves (or more specifically, to describe themselves in one word) is a pretty common personality-based interview question without a straightforward way to answer: it depends. According to Peggy McKee at Work It Daily, the answer depends on the position’s primary function, and the necessary qualities required to get the job […]

This Week in Career Advice: How Often Should You Follow Up?
When a job interviewer invites you to keep in touch, how often should you follow-up?

This Week in Career Advice: Overcome Shyness and Lead
Being shy in a management position can be difficult. Those who suffer from shyness tend to be uncomfortable in large groups of people and tend to avoid conflict – two scenarios difficult to avoid with a team of individuals answering to you.

Interview Tips: Advice From a Harvard Career Advisor
How can you properly prepare for a job interview? Linda Spencer, the Assistant Director of the Office of Career Services at Harvard, gives some practical advice useful to job-hunters of any age.

How To Answer “Tell Me About Yourself?”
Walk into any interview, and you’re likely to hear this question: “Tell me about yourself?”

They Did What? Terrible Interview Behavior to Avoid
A recent CareerBuilder survey on common interview mistakes revealed some truly terrible workplace behavior, including answer texts messages during interviews, dressing inappropriately, and being caught in a lie. Unfortunately, the bad interview behavior doesn’t end there. The 2017 CareerBuilder survey also asked hiring managers to recount specific instances of terrible interview behavior and the […]

Why Hiring Managers Don’t Care About Your Degree
You’ve got a Masters Degree from a great university, and not much else! How can you make hiring managers see the value in your degree? A reader asks Alison Green on Ask A Manager, “I know it sounds whiny, but why does no one care about my degree? ” Green wastes no time getting […]
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